Locating Pipes in Canberra and Queanbeyan Areas

locating pipes outside

Locating Underground Water, Gas, Sewer & Stormwater Pipes in Canberra

We locate underground pipes & pipes in walls in Canberra & Queanbeyan. Accurate locations & pipe depths for water services, gas services and drainage pipes.

  • Are you planning an excavation?
  • Do you want to make a connection to a sewer, gas, stormwater or water pipe?
  • Do you need to accurately locate water pipes, gas pipes and sewer and stormwater drainage pipes?
  • Do you need to know the depths of these underground services?
  • Are you looking for water pipes and gas pipes in walls?
  • Are you looking for irrigation solenoids?
  • Are you looking for buried plastic pipes?
  • Are look for leaking pipes or broken drains?
  • Are you looking for pipes under a slab?
  • Do you want to ensure your excavations are safe?

We help you with all of the above and more.

  • We have modern drain cameras and mini wall probes.
  • We have electronic pipe locating & tracing equipment.
  • We have the appropriate excavation equipment.
  • We have the experience and plumbing qualifications to use this equipment efficiently.
  • We can help today.

What you should be aware of before you undertake any excavations.

Locating underground power cables, communication cables, water, gas, sewer & stormwater pipes before you dig is essential in Canberra and Queanbeyan. If you break one of these underground services, the cost to you could be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

  1. ALWAYS ALWAYS do a Dial Before You Dig (DBYD). You can do a DBYD online or we can do it for you. A DBYD gives the approximate location of the utility’s water, gas, electricity, sewer and communication networks that are located in the vicinity of your excavation. These services can be located anywhere under private and public land and under road ways and paths.
  2. A DBYD will not show the location of the customers own pipes such as the water pipe from the meter to the house and the sewerage pipe from the boundary to the house. It will not show the location of the gas line from the main to the house. An experienced locator can locate these for you.
  3. Once you have the DBYD you can have the underground networks electronically located. A spray painted mark placed by the locator will show the approximate location. Sometimes it will show the approximate depth too.
  4. If these services are shown to be within 3 metres of where you are planning to excavate you must expose them by hand first. You must expose these services regardless of the depth you are planning to excavate to. Never use mechanical excavation without first uncovering all nearby services. ALWAYS ALWAYS uncover the nearby services.

Water, gas, sewer and stormwater pipes located accurately. Call today. 0448844911

We locate underground pipes & pipes in walls in Canberra & Queanbeyan. Accurate locations & pipe depths for water services, gas services and drainage pipes. We can locate plastic pipes, irrigation systems and irrigation solenoids too.

We provide the following services also.

  • The location of underground gas pipes and water pipes.
  • Repairs to drains
  • Water leak detecting
  • Water leak locating
  • Water leak repairs
  • Rerouting of water pipes
  • Emergency water leaks

Our Locating Pipes Services

Areas we service

We provide leak locating, pipe inspections and repairs in these Canberra localities Belconnen, Gungahlin, Kambah, North Canberra, South Canberra, Tuggeranong, Wamboin, Weston Creek & Woden,

We provide leak locating, pipe inspections and repairs in these NSW localities
Bungendore, Burra, Carwoola, Googong, Jerrabomberra, Murrumbateman, Queanbeyan, Sutton, Tharwa & Williamsdale.

Water, gas, sewer and stormwater pipes located accurately. Call today. 0448844911

We are experts at locating underground services. We locate underground pipes & pipes in walls in Canberra & Queanbeyan. Accurate locations & pipe depths for water services, gas services and drainage pipes.

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